Download united airlines app during flight
Download united airlines app during flight

download united airlines app during flight

Single version for Android Phones and Tablets.Exchange rate for the most currencies in the world.Add flights and airports by swiping from the right to the left.Road path from your current position to the airport.Actual flight paths shown when available.Live flight maps in 3 different modes: Standard, Satellite, Hybrid.Download all at once from the “Additional content” tab 15 day detailed weather forecast helps you stay dry when you grab your kayak for fishing on vacation.Delay on a 5-point scale with the 0.2 step.Nearby airports within 140 miles (200 km)ĬURRENT WEATHER AT THE AIRPORT AND AIRPORT TRAFFIC DELAYS.1500 airlines: commercial, cargo, charters.3 days (72 hours) time interval for arrivals and departures.Advanced filters: airlines, flight status, arrival and departure information and time range for the most effective sky scanning.Auto-refresh with the ability to cache flights during offline mode.Nearby flights within 140 miles (200 km) including a tail numberįLIGHT BOARD WITH ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES IN REAL TIME.Actual position of the aircraft with the actual speed for most flights.Use it as your personal virtual flight radar to know the aircraft speed, latitude, longitude and the altitude.These features make FlightHero to be one of the best travel apps: FlightHero has been in a top 10 travel apps in dozens countries including Germany, United States, Italy, United Kingdom, Russia and Japan.

Download united airlines app during flight